
Unmasking Cultural and Racial Bias in Neuropsychological Assessment

Unmasking Cultural and Racial Bias in Neuropsychological Assessment by Thảo-Châu Trịnh, Psy.D. and Rebecca MurrayMetzger, Psy.D. Neuropsychological assessments play a crucial role in understanding brain function and diagnosing cognitive disorders. […]

Guiding Principles for Parenting Your Gifted and 2e Child

Guiding Principles for Parenting Your Gifted and 2e Child by Guest Blogger Dr. Danika Maddocks Our guest blogger, Dr. Danika Maddocks is a psychologist and parent coach.  She founded  The […]

Clinician Spotlight: Dr. Rebecca Anguiano, PhD, LEP

Clinician Spotlight: Dr. Rebecca Anguiano, PhD, LEP An inside look into the minds at Mind Matters What brought you to the field of psychology? I wanted to make services more accessible […]

Empowering Success: Nurturing Bilingual Learners in Schools

Empowering Success: Nurturing Bilingual Learners in Schools by  Thảo-Châu Trịnh, Psy.D. and Jaclyn Wolf, Ph.D. Our public schools mirror our society. With more than 350 languages spoken in the United […]